I've been having a music slump lately.....I haven't been able to compose anything new for a while now. On the bright side, I've been writing a lot more lyrics. As I took a quick peek into my music portfolio I realized something. I have A LOT to work with. Although not all of the compositions are my best, I realized I can still use them to record something possibly fun and enjoyable.
So, I'm going to start digging in the recesses of my newgrounds account and bring some of my older compositions to life.
Project Revive baby! Wish me luck!
Damn that's exactly the position I'm in! my beat making slacked off, but I now have so many more raps waiting for to be recorded!
That's it, make the best of your slump, good luck on the songs!
Yes man! Glad we're on the same page, good luck on your music, we'll both do some awesome things, I'm sure of it!